Friday, September 01, 2006

A New Space


This is what happens when you leave the city for a few weeks. You go away and when you come back, Tirso de Molina, which was-- just a few days ago, and for as long as you can remember--home to drug addicts, and honking cabs, and top mantalistas, men who sleep on benches and the women who yell at them--that Tirso de Molina has suddenly become one big, clean outdoor cafe. I hear a flower market is next. My question: when did all this happen? Posted by Picasa


rws said...

For you a few days, for me ten and a half months. I'm wondering how different the city will be when I return in November from the Madrid I knew when I was forced out last December (por las obras en el edificio).

Almendra said...

You're coming back? I knew you couldn't stay away...